Fluid Retention

Fluid retention is just one of the complaints of many women with difficulty in keeping the silhouette. The accumulation of water in the body due to the fact that the kidneys can not excrete excess water may be due to several factors. It can be a health problem, kidney failure or blood circulation.

In women, it may be casual and can happen due to hormonal changes, where it is so, fluid retention occurs about a week before the menstrual period, giving a sensation of swelling, especially in the belly, chest and legs and disappears after menstruation. This is a kind of light fluid retention which may be further aggravated by the use of the contraceptive pill due to its hormonal components.

However, there are people who constantly complain of swelling, especially of the legs, belly, hands and feet and this retention may be due to other factors, among them the diet. Excessive use of sugar and salt are the main responsible for this situation. The existing sodium in salt and in some other foods, especially canned food or pre-cooked food is the enemy number one for who suffers from this problem.
To temper foods, you should opt for the use of lemon or spices instead of salt.

A great way to help prevent fluid retention is to drink lots of water, but gradually throughout the day. Drinking too much water at one time is not convenient. When you feel thirsty, it is a sign of dehydration and the body will retain the water.

Should be consumed water-rich foods, and vitamin C as it have an excellent diuretic component, drinking tea and natural fruit juices and eat bananas, because it is rich in potassium which is excellent for water retention.
We must never forget the importance of exercise for the proper functioning of the body.


Constipation can be an enemy of your weight loss, but can also be a result of your diet.
If you suffer from constipation it means that for some reason your gut is not working properly and the stool were not expelled from the way they should and in the time when they should, which is very uncomfortable and sometimes painful. The lack of water and fiber in the diet are one of the probable causes of this problem. In this case, there are foods you should include in your daily diet and others the you should avoid.

Foods to include in your diet:

  • Fruit. Eat plenty of fruit and increase the amount of natural fruit juices. Orange, mango, papaya, grapes, etc.. Try to eat a kiwi every day in the morning;
  • Greenery. Include in your diet salad, lettuce, watercress, eggplant, etc.;
  • Vegetables and legumes, cabbage, beans, lentils. You can eat these foods including soup in your daily meals.
  • Fibers. Eat foods rich in fiber. Whole grains, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, etc..
  • Dried fruits, nuts, hazelnuts, etc.
  • White meat and fish.
  • Olive oil.

Foods to avoid:

  • Cakes and biscuits;
  • Red meat;
  • Canned food;


In any diet, water is very important, but in this case, the fibers are very important to a good intestinal transit, we must be careful, the more fiber in your diet and lack of water exacerbates the problem, so it is important that you drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.
Again, the exercise is very important, especially exercises that help stimulate the muscles of the intestines.

Anti Stress Diet

Well, our nutrition can help us reduce stress levels. With the exaggerated pace of today life, there is no one who does not suffer with stress, or go through stressful moments at least occasionally. There are many factors that lead to states of stress, routine, work, intellectual and professional responsibilities, relationships and changes in emotional states.
The states of stress can alter our metabolism to the point of leading to obesity, for example, or alter our physical ability till we feel tired and completely exhausted, and can cause headaches or hair loss. But we cab with our nutrition help our body make a better control of stress levels and be more calm.
This is not a weight loss diet but a diet in order to feel better physically and psychologically.

Are recommended foods rich in vitamin B6, studies indicate that a large percentage of people with depression have deficit of this vitamin that can be found, for example, in rice, banana, mango, watercress, squash, tuna and vegetables.
Foods rich in vitamin B12, which we find in clams, oysters, milk, eggs, and liver. Vitamin C, this vitamin can be found in many fruits and vegetables, helps in the absorption of B vitamins and magnesium-rich foods such as watercress, almonds, peanuts, nuts, whole grains and vegetables. The greater the physical and psychological effort, the greater the need for magnesium intake.
Let's not forget that it is very important for our body to maintain a regular sleep and rest, we should sleep at least eight hours a day. While we sleep the body produces melatonin, which scavenges free radicals and provides a sense of well-being, so avoid coffee and alcohol or stimulants such as green tea, for example.

9 steps to start a diet

Practically all of us at certain time started some kind of diet that we could not get to the end. Or lack of motivation, or because we started the diet at the wrong time, or because we didn't achieved the objectives as fast as we wanted, any of these reasons serves all-day excuse for abandoning a diet.
When we think we have many reasons to give up, we must think we have so many, or more to continue:
  1. Choose a diet: Make sure you choose a diet to suit you, that will meet your needs and that does not require an effort bigger than what you are willing to do. It is better to start slowly and increase over time then starting all excited and then stop.
  2. Set objectives: Establish the weight you want to achieve and the time you want to do it, always trying to be as rational as possible.
  3. Commitment: Commitment to achieve results. For this commitment to have more weight, share it with those closest to you, convey your wishes and your goals and commit yourself to meet them also to others.
  4. Make a daily meal plan: Make your daily menu in advance and follow it exactly.
  5. Be realistic: If the objectives you propose to are too ambitious or unrealistic, the difficulty in achieving them will be much larger and you will start to feel frustration and discouragement. Plan your diet step by step, to a continuing evolution and motivating.
  6. Rejoice with small achievements: Each time you reach a small step, cheer up and see this as motivation for the next steps.
  7. Avoid prohibitions: If you make an eating plan where some foods are completely banned, but that makes you think more of it and miss it, that may lead to a break in the diet. Making a daily eating plan, you can rationally include all foods in logic amounts without risk of abuse.
  8. Never go hungry: No diet, to lose weight or not, involves starving, so avoid all kinds of situations that you go hungry or many hours without eating. Besides this is not a favorable situation for any diet will make you feel extra needs of food and exaggerate the amount of food, and will begin to sense that dieting is a great sacrifice and will give you a exaggerated negative charge.
  9. Practice some sport: Try to combine your diet with physical exercise. Besides achieving physical visible objectives much faster, you will feel much better physically and psychologically, which in itself is already an extra motivation to never give up the ultimate goal.

Diet low in carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are considered the first target to beat when it comes to dieting to lose weight. In fact, when you want a diet to lose weight quickly, eliminating carbohydrates in your diet is the most effective solution. However, this diet should only be done by healthy people for short periods of time.

This nutrient, found in bread, potatoes, cereals, rice, fruit, etc., is an excellent source of energy and a macronutrient very important for the heart and the brain. Yes, the brain consumes a large part of carbohydrates you eat and it is that it feeds.

The lack of carbohydrates is also responsible for bad breath, for example. This diet should always be accompanied by proper hydration and practiced for very short periods of time to avoid causing losses of sodium and potassium, constipation, weakness, or even depression.
Still, a diet low in carbohydrates helps, in addition to rapid weight loss, lower blood pressure, but should only be consumed by ensuring that the minimum essential to our body is guaranteed.

Acne and Food

When it comes to acne it is usual to link this unsightly problem that affects people of all ages and eating certain foods.

Acne is primarily a problem of hormonal origin, so it is during adolescence that most young people are affected by unpleasant pimples and their scars, in adulthood, is especially in women that sometimes the problem persists. This problem manifests itself mainly on the face and trunk, and sometimes it leaves quite deep marks. The increase in sebum secretion and obstruction of the follicle gives rise to bubbles and/or pimples that should be treated locally and preferably with the help of a dermatologist.

But our nutrition, while not addressing the problem, can mitigate it. Foods high in saturated fats and sugar increase the oiliness of the skin, thereby contributing to the worsening of the problem. Should be avoided foods rich in fats, iodine, vitamin B12 and there are already studies that say it should be avoided milk.

A diet rich in protein and fiber is a good way to control acne. Food-based in beta-carotene that are an excellent source of vitamin A have an antioxidant effect and help control sebum production, they are, among others, kale, spinach, broccoli, carrots, peppers, squash, melon, papaya, manga...

Vitamin C and its anti-inflammatory effect are part of an anti-acne diet, and vitamin B6 which helps control hormones and can be found, for example, in whole grains. The fibers found in vegetables and fruits, for example, regulate the intestinal tract and eliminate toxins.

Green tea is excellent for help in treating and controlling acne. Acts as anti inflammatory, speeds up metabolism and helps remove grease.

The famous chocolate connection to acne is not proven, but in fact chocolate is rich in saturated fats and should therefore be one of the foods to avoid.

To prevent worsening of acne, yet avoid washing your face with hot water and large exposure to the sun without proper protective.

Weight loss by facilitating the digestion

We can choose for our daily nutrition an easy to digest food, thus making very simple and light weight loss diet.

If we eat foods that facilitate the digestion process, the first thing we will feel is hunger in a much smaller amount of time that if we eat foods that are difficult to digest, and only so we are doing for our weight loss, because we will make several meals throughout the day and they are all light.

Given that the vast majority of easy to digest foods are also foods low in fat and calories, so we have the perfect diet to lose weight and still end with the problems of bloating, most of the time, coupled with difficult digestion.

Vegetables, for example, are themselves, in most cases, easily digestible foods, but we can still improve the process with the cook. Cooked vegetables are digested much faster than if eaten raw.

Legumes like beans, corn, potatoes, carrots, etc. can and should be consumed, but in a controlled manner, in low doses and preferably always well cooked or chopped up.

Fruits are also easily digestible foods, but still, we give preference to natural fruit juices, they are even quicker to digest than the fruit itself.

There is also a huge variety of other elements that are easy to digest, such as rice, fish and chicken.

Never forget that combined with a healthy diet, we still need to have a healthy lifestyle, practicing sports and drinking plenty of water.