localized fat is a problem affecting many of us, both women and men. Often, and despite not being fat, nor in terms of overweight, one can suffer from localized fat that stand out, mainly at the hip or waist. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise, stress and poor diet are some of the possible causes of this unsightly problem.
The excessive fat deposits in various parts of the body may be due to sex and genetics. For women who are overweight, for example, the highest fat deposits appear in the area of the thighs and buttocks, while men, generally, that fat is deposited in the abdomen and around the waist. When the localized fat is due to genetics or to excess weight may be due to having a slow metabolism and you can have a lifelong struggle with excess weight and body fat management.
The localized fat is very difficult to remove, it takes some patience and a lot of persistence, but it worth the effort, because excellent results are achieved.
First of all we must set the goal very well, and much more then wanting to lose weight or fat, it is important to want to have a healthy diet. Today there are many deals to eliminate fat in aesthetic clinics, but learn how to get it naturally.
Some basic rules:
- Reduce the amount of fatty foods
- Eliminate saturated fats
- Eliminate alcohol
- Reduce the amount of sugar
- Reduce the amount of salt
- Eat several times a day and little at a time
- Drink plenty of fluids, water and tea without sugar
- Practice exercise regularly
The fat that accumulates in areas of body is fat or sugar that is consumed in excess and that is not spent as energy.
Strive to make a balanced diet, low in calories. Replace the oil with olive oil, red meat for white meat, fish and vegetables as much as you can. Remember that
soup is a dish very full and rich in water, so an excellent choice to have this in your daily menu.
Reduce the amount of salt, because salt is responsible for
fluid retention. Eat small meals per day and whenever possible choose whole food, excellent sources of fiber that help the proper functioning of the intestines.
In the case of localized fat, workout, without follow up a proper nutrition, or vice versa, will not give the desired results. This is one case where the exercise is complementary to diet, and don't need to be a very demanding sport, a good walk every day will be a good supplement to the diet.