Anti Stress Diet

Well, our nutrition can help us reduce stress levels. With the exaggerated pace of today life, there is no one who does not suffer with stress, or go through stressful moments at least occasionally. There are many factors that lead to states of stress, routine, work, intellectual and professional responsibilities, relationships and changes in emotional states.
The states of stress can alter our metabolism to the point of leading to obesity, for example, or alter our physical ability till we feel tired and completely exhausted, and can cause headaches or hair loss. But we cab with our nutrition help our body make a better control of stress levels and be more calm.
This is not a weight loss diet but a diet in order to feel better physically and psychologically.

Are recommended foods rich in vitamin B6, studies indicate that a large percentage of people with depression have deficit of this vitamin that can be found, for example, in rice, banana, mango, watercress, squash, tuna and vegetables.
Foods rich in vitamin B12, which we find in clams, oysters, milk, eggs, and liver. Vitamin C, this vitamin can be found in many fruits and vegetables, helps in the absorption of B vitamins and magnesium-rich foods such as watercress, almonds, peanuts, nuts, whole grains and vegetables. The greater the physical and psychological effort, the greater the need for magnesium intake.
Let's not forget that it is very important for our body to maintain a regular sleep and rest, we should sleep at least eight hours a day. While we sleep the body produces melatonin, which scavenges free radicals and provides a sense of well-being, so avoid coffee and alcohol or stimulants such as green tea, for example.


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