If you suffer from constipation it means that for some reason your gut is not working properly and the stool were not expelled from the way they should and in the time when they should, which is very uncomfortable and sometimes painful. The lack of water and fiber in the diet are one of the probable causes of this problem. In this case, there are foods you should include in your daily diet and others the you should avoid.
Foods to include in your diet:
- Fruit. Eat plenty of fruit and increase the amount of natural fruit juices. Orange, mango, papaya, grapes, etc.. Try to eat a kiwi every day in the morning;
- Greenery. Include in your diet salad, lettuce, watercress, eggplant, etc.;
- Vegetables and legumes, cabbage, beans, lentils. You can eat these foods including soup in your daily meals.
- Fibers. Eat foods rich in fiber. Whole grains, whole wheat bread, oatmeal, etc..
- Dried fruits, nuts, hazelnuts, etc.
- White meat and fish.
- Olive oil.
Foods to avoid:
- Cakes and biscuits;
- Red meat;
- Canned food;
In any diet, water is very important, but in this case, the fibers are very important to a good intestinal transit, we must be careful, the more fiber in your diet and lack of water exacerbates the problem, so it is important that you drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.
Again, the exercise is very important, especially exercises that help stimulate the muscles of the intestines.
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