When we think we have many reasons to give up, we must think we have so many, or more to continue:
- Choose a diet: Make sure you choose a diet to suit you, that will meet your needs and that does not require an effort bigger than what you are willing to do. It is better to start slowly and increase over time then starting all excited and then stop.
- Set objectives: Establish the weight you want to achieve and the time you want to do it, always trying to be as rational as possible.
- Commitment: Commitment to achieve results. For this commitment to have more weight, share it with those closest to you, convey your wishes and your goals and commit yourself to meet them also to others.
- Make a daily meal plan: Make your daily menu in advance and follow it exactly.
- Be realistic: If the objectives you propose to are too ambitious or unrealistic, the difficulty in achieving them will be much larger and you will start to feel frustration and discouragement. Plan your diet step by step, to a continuing evolution and motivating.
- Rejoice with small achievements: Each time you reach a small step, cheer up and see this as motivation for the next steps.
- Avoid prohibitions: If you make an eating plan where some foods are completely banned, but that makes you think more of it and miss it, that may lead to a break in the diet. Making a daily eating plan, you can rationally include all foods in logic amounts without risk of abuse.
- Never go hungry: No diet, to lose weight or not, involves starving, so avoid all kinds of situations that you go hungry or many hours without eating. Besides this is not a favorable situation for any diet will make you feel extra needs of food and exaggerate the amount of food, and will begin to sense that dieting is a great sacrifice and will give you a exaggerated negative charge.
- Practice some sport: Try to combine your diet with physical exercise. Besides achieving physical visible objectives much faster, you will feel much better physically and psychologically, which in itself is already an extra motivation to never give up the ultimate goal.
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