We can choose for our daily nutrition an easy to digest food, thus making very simple and light weight loss diet.
If we eat foods that facilitate the digestion process, the first thing we will feel is hunger in a much smaller amount of time that if we eat foods that are difficult to digest, and only so we are doing for our weight loss, because we will make several meals throughout the day and they are all light.
Given that the vast majority of easy to digest foods are also foods low in fat and calories, so we have the perfect diet to lose weight and still end with the problems of bloating, most of the time, coupled with difficult digestion.
Vegetables, for example, are themselves, in most cases, easily digestible foods, but we can still improve the process with the cook. Cooked vegetables are digested much faster than if eaten raw.
Legumes like beans, corn, potatoes, carrots, etc. can and should be consumed, but in a controlled manner, in low doses and preferably always well cooked or chopped up.
Fruits are also easily digestible foods, but still, we give preference to natural fruit juices, they are even quicker to digest than the fruit itself.
There is also a huge variety of other elements that are easy to digest, such as rice, fish and chicken.
Never forget that combined with a healthy diet, we still need to have a healthy lifestyle, practicing sports and drinking plenty of water.
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