Yogurt is an excellent food because it is rich in calcium, contains carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Dairy products are often advised to help keep bones and teeth strong and prevent osteoporosis because they are rich in calcium.
The intake of dairy products with low fat helps you lose weight, it is nevertheless essential that they are free of artificial fats and sugar.
Yogurt has long been part of the diets of some people. Mireille Guillian, author of the bestseller "French Women Do not Get Fat" even says that yogurt is the secret of French women to control their weight.
Try to do this in a simple diet, including 4 yoghurts in your daily diet. You can change the way they are included, so you can eat them for breakfast, accompanied by one full toast or as a dessert after a light meal of salad or fish, completely free of fat.
Keep in mind not to include in your meals fried foods, fats and sugars.
Use and abuse of water, teas, herbal teas and fresh juices and practice some exercise.
After reaching the desired weight, go back to include in your diet any foods, always taking care to consume some of them only sporadically and in a controlled manner.
See how easy it is achieving your objectives in terms of ideal weight in a balanced and healthy way.